wiring & lifting

Revamping | Italiano

Revamping | Inglese

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Wiring and Lifting can offer a complete overhaul to existing plants with upgrade of electrical and mechanical components. Reclassify and certify the lifting equipment according to its actual use.

We evaluate the residual life of the plants and issue the new life certification (SWP FEM 9.755).
Revamping allows for a complete transformation of the current crane as an alternative to its replacement and also offers the possibility of introducing modern technologies, helps customers meet the requirements of compliance with current safety regulations that can be changed over the years and can reduce the risks of inactivity and injury or damage to premises, materials or products.

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Design and sale of solutions and equipment for lifting and moving industrial loads.
Wiring and Lifting
via Trento Trieste, 1
20813 Bovisio Masciago (MB)
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