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Crane and hook maintenance | Italiano

Crane and hook maintenance | Inglese

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Crane and hook maintenance

Preventive and corrective maintenance of industrial lifting systems

For us at Wiring and Lifting, safety is everything: a preventive maintenance program is critical to improving safety and productivity and can reduce downtime and increase equipment reliability. We carry out the overhaul and maintenance of the lifting equipment of all brands through the careful control of their mechanical and electrical parts.

Wiring and Lifting offers customers a series of preventive and scheduled maintenance contracts, differentiated according to the actual use of lifting and handling equipment.

Our technicians perform the quarterly inspection of ropes or chains and ensure the regularization of the control registers.
In the scheduled maintenance contract it is possible to include the control of the hooks as: harnesses, slings, slings, pliers, etc. and draw up a specific check-list to be adapted to safety standards.
Our compliance checks are designed to meet legal requirements and standards.

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Crane and hook maintenance
Design and sale of solutions and equipment for lifting and moving industrial loads.
Wiring and Lifting
via Trento Trieste, 1
20813 Bovisio Masciago (MB)
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